Welcome to Next Gen Equipments Pvt. Ltd.

Next Gen Equipments Pvt. Ltd. (NGEPL) is the Gujarat; INDIA based ISO 9001 – 2015 Company established in 2009. We’re the team professionals who understand what customer needs is and trying to full fill those requirements in appropriate span of time with suitable price.
Management team of NGEPL has over eighteen years of experience in the Indian Power industry and with strong customer relationship & support from various overseas principals, NGEPL has got wide acceptance in the Indian power industry.
NGEPL is proud to be associated as Sales & service representative of following world class companies in INDIA.
Customer Centricity
We are oriented towards needs and behaviours of Customer and satisfying them by reciprocating with industry’s best and cost effective technology solution.
Green Energy
The share of Green Energy in electricity generation is around 18%, with 15% of global electricity coming from hydroelectricity and 3.4% from new renewable sources.
Partnering with the Best
NGEPL is proud to be associated as Sales & service representative of world class companies in INDIA , with the blessings of our valued customers in Indian Power Industry