Turns Ratio Meter
3 - Phase Turns Ratio Meter - TR MARK III 250V

Fully automatic 3 phase measurements.Automatic Vector Group Detection.Rugged and Reliable. A color LCD withback lighting and touch screen increasesuser comfort. USB interfaces make it easyto store measurements on external storagedevices and transfer easily to a personal computer.

3 - Phase Voltage Extension to Turns Ratio Meter - T REX

The Raytech three phase voltage system T- REX is an optional system accessory for 3- Phase transformer ratio meter test sets. Fully automatic. Measuring phases other than 30°, shifting transformers, measure power rectifier transformers.<br>

The T-REX R is the same instrument as the T-REXbut built in a 19“ rackhousing.

Single Phase Turns Ratio Meter TR-1 & TR 1P

Fully automatic. Battery operated. Reverse polarity test. Continuity test. Pass/fail function. Extremely rugged.

Built in printer in the TR-1P model. Can be charged by DC Car adapter.